The OBD CarLock device (order yours here: can be placed somewhere else using our CarLock cables.
Why use the cable?
1. To use the OBD device in older cars (manufactured before the year 1996) by using the Power adapter cable and installing it on your car's battery
2. To use the OBD device on the motorcycle by using the Power adapter cable and installing it on your car's battery
3. To hide your device more
4. To place the device somewhere else if your OBD port cover cannot be closed
5. To place the device somewhere else if the OBD port is near your feet
What’s the proper way to mount the device when using a cable?
Be careful not to install the device under a metal surface. It needs a cellular signal to send the data to your phone.
Where to purchase CarLock cables?
Please see the links under the photos of the cables below.
Do all CarLock features work if I use the cable instead of plugging the OBD device directly to the OBD2 port?
Yes, all features work no matter if the device is installed on your car with cables or plugged directly into the OBD2 port. The features only vary based on the subscription plan you choose.
We offer three cables:
1. CarLock Power adapter cable (install the CarLock OBD device by utilizing the power adapter cable to your car’s power with the wires underneath the dashboard):
2. CarLock Extension cable (to place the OBD device somewhere else):
3. CarLock splitter cable (to place your OBD device somewhere else and to hide your OBD device to make your port look like it is empty):
A splitter cable can also be used to make your OBD port look empty, which means that you can install it in the car like in this video:
Please be careful - one part is only for charging the device and the other one provides data as well. The CarLock device has to be on the part where only power is provided so the other one can be used by mechanics.